Terms & Conditions

These terms of use (referred to below as “the Terms of Use”) are only applicable to the website under www.ruggedbuilder.wpengine.com posted by Rugged Depot.

Return Policy

Clients should not accept any clearly damaged packages and should tell the carrier (UPS or FedEx) that they are refusing the order because of damage.

Any non-visible damages (shipping, etc.) must be reported to Rugged Depot within (2) days of receiving the order.

All defects and/or problems must be handled directly with their respective manufacturer. Shipping and Handling charges are non-refundable. Returns will not be accepted by www.ruggedbuilder.wpengine.com without an (RMA – Return Merchandise Authorization) number and will be refused or sent back to the client at the customer’s expense.

Shipping and Lead Times

In general, Panasonic Toughbooks, accessories and related mounting equipment are enterprise solutions that are typically custom built to order and thus carry a lead-time of anywhere from 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months. Please be advised that online orders where expedited shipping is chosen does NOT mean that specific product is in stock and will ship right away. It simply means we will ship via the selected method when the product is available to ship. We can only confirm availability over the phone or online chat. While we do our best to have a wide variety of Toughbook models and accessories in stock, this particular supply chain is challenging and we ask that customers please confirm availability with us on the phone when time is a priority. Additionally, expedited shipping will not apply to multiple items that might have multiple lead-times and ship dates. It is typically applying to the main item of an order. Again, please call us ASAP at (800) 995-5007 to discuss urgent needs and expedited shipping.

Warranty Disclaimer

Rugged Depot expressly disclaims all warranties either express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or of fitness for a exacting purpose. Rugged Depot shall have no liability to anyone for incidental or consequential damages or any other liability, loss or damage arising out of or related to the products.

All products are sold “AS IS”. Rugged Depot does not make or provide warranty as to the performance of any products sold.

We are not responsible for system downtime, lost data, etc. This disclaimer by “Rugged Depot” in no means affects the terms of a manufacturer’s warranty. All trademarks or service marks are property of their respective owners. All products come with the full manufacturer’s warranty unless otherwise stated.

Please contact the manufacturer to arrange for the warranty handling of all defective products.

Additional Terms

  • Payment must be made in U.S. dollars
  • Pricing and quantities are subject to change.
  • Rugged Depot reserves the right to substitute products of equal or greater specifications.
  • Invoices are subject to late payment charges of 18% per year computed monthly after due date.
  • All products are sold “AS IS”
  • No credit allowed for goods returned without prior approval, any returns are subject to approval.
  • Claims for loss or damage in shipment must be made to the carrier by the Customer. All others must be made to Rugged Depot LLC within 2 days of receipt of goods. All goods shipped at the buyer’s risk.
  • Customer also agrees to pay such attorney’s fees and costs as are actually incurred for the collection of this amount whether or not suit is instituted.
  • All product and services on this invoice will remain the property of Rugged Depot and will be fully encumbered until full payment has been remitted.
  • Alabama Customers: Seller has collected the simplified sellers use tax on taxable transactions delivered into Alabama and the tax will be remitted on the customer’s behalf to the Alabama Department of Revenue. Seller’s program account number is SSU-R011680058